Energi talent Resourcing Aptitude Test
Get an interview with Energi talent Resourcing in 7 days.

For graduates with 0-2 years of experience.

Energi Talent Resourcing are specialist technical recruitment partner to the Oil & Gas and Power sector; finding and placing market-leading talent. Their experienced consultants are specialists within their vertical markets and excel at finding exceptional individuals for challenging roles. They operate with absolute discretion, integrity and professionalism.

Join the staff of Energi Talent Resourcing and help place talent in their dream jobs!

To get a chance to interview for any of these positions, answer the simple riddle below.

Here's the puzzle:

"You are travelling down a country lane to a distant village. You reach a fork in the road and find a pair of identical twin sisters standing there.

One sister is standing on the road to village and the other standing on the road to never-land (of course, you don't know or see where each road leads).

One of the sisters always tells the truth and the other always lies (of course, you don't know who is lying).

Both sisters know where the roads go.

If you are allowed to ask only one question to each of the sisters to find the correct road to the village,

What is your question?"

What will be your question?
Applicant MUST have a BSc; and a result of 2:1 and Above.
(Limited Time Available)
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